If you have heard about a licensing application in your neighbourhood and you wish to object to or comment on the proposed changes, you are entitled to make a representation.
How to make a representation
If you are having problems with a licensed premises, for example undue noise nuisance, you have the right to apply for a ‘review’ of the licence in connection with a matter relating to the ‘licensing objectives’.
Help resolving problems
Licensing hearings: A 10 step guide for residents in City Westminster.
Read the guide
More on licensing law and procedure, council policies, neighbourhood noise problems, residents associations/amenity groups. You can also Report a problem.
Useful Links
The Guidance to Licensing Act 2003 states that one of the key aims and purposes of the Act is ‘encouraging greater community involvement in licensing decisions.’
Step by step guide
A step by step guide to the licensing process for residents in City of Westminster – betting shop applications under Gambling Act 2005
Step by step guide
Lap dancing and similar types of premises are regulated by Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, as amended.
Step by step guide