Government’s Proposals to Deregulate Entertainment
In late 2010, the Government issued a consultation which proposed to deregulate ‘regulated entertainment’ under Licensing Act 2003, including live music and recorded music such as DJs, discos etc (See News article 7 October 2010). The proposals were to deregulate entirely with no time limits, to a maximum audience number of 4,999. The consultation attracted about 1,350 responses.
The Government has now issued its response to the consultation responses. It can be found here: The accompanying Ministerial Written Statement at summarises the proposals to be taken forward. Performance of plays, and performance of dance will no longer require a licence between 8am and 11pm for an audience of up to 500; indoor sports (eg darts matches or pool matches which members of the public watch) will no longer require a licence between the same times but for an audience of up to 1000. Entertainment at community events and venues will be deregulated.
Of most interest/concern to residents may be the proposals regarding live and recorded music. Between the consultation and the Government response, the Live Music Act 2012 became law, and deregulated live music in certain circumstances (See News article 4 October 2012).The proposal is to follow the template of the Live Music Act (ie to deregulate between 8am and 11pm for premises licensed to sell alcohol), but to raise the audience limit from 200 in the Live Music Act to 500. Crucially, like the Live Music Act, the ability of residents to review a licence will remain.
Presumably legislation will now proceed, which should add meat to the bones. Watch this space…